Christ’s Hope for Persons with Disabilities Life Ministries

About Us


Who We Are...

Christ’s Hope for Persons with Disabilities Life Ministries (CHOPLIM) is a Christian organization that was established to bring all the categories of people with disabilities including women and children and the elderly to have a stronger and unifying voice to advocate for their rights and equal opportunities, fight injustices and violence against Women and girls with Disabilities. We also empower the PWDs with education, food, and wheelchairs to aid their day-to-day movement so that they can equally blend into society.

Our Mission

To build an inclusive society in which equal opportunities are provided for the growth and development of Persons with Disabilities so that they can lead productive, safe, and dignified lives in Katakwi district.

Our Projects

Some of our projects are

Wheelchair Project

The ministry is empowering disabled children and elderly with wheelchairs and walking clutches to ease their movement within the community.

Food & Shelter for all PWDs

Food and shelter are provided to all people with disabilities who are unable to get these basic needs from their families due to poverty or discrimination.

Community Gospel Out-reach to PWDs

Our ministry aims at spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ though community outreach especially with the PWDs.

Education for Children with Disabilities

We provide essential education to children with disabilities. This bridges the gap of equality with other school going children of the same age.

Skilling & other activities

The ministry aims at skilling women with disabilities with basic survival skills such as making crafts that they can sell to get some money.

Climate Change

CHOPLIM aims at planting trees to support the climate in Katakwi District especially Wood logs and Citrus.

Our Team

We work with a great team of individuals to deliver this great work.

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Contact Information

Katakwi Village, Katakwi District, Uganda.
